Friday, May 21, 2010


Last Sunday I went out for Waylon's birthday. The weather was so nice they had the slip-n-slide ready to go. Luckily Mama had my swim suit in the truck (and my sun hat of course...only my mom!). So I got dressed and played in the water. Tessa tried to get me to go down the slide with her but I had more fun playing with the water that sprayed up.

I even got to have some of Waylon's cake! What a special treat, Yum.

Peyton, Henry and Me enjoying our cake and ice cream!

Kite Festival at Rockaway

Last weekend Mama had a golf tournament with Grandpa Dave in Garibaldi. So Grandma Dee and I went down with her and stayed at a friends house in Rockaway. The weather was great! Grandma brought Monty dog so I had a blast chasing after him and petting him really gentle.

I even walked Monty down to the beach. I did really well as long as I held on with both hands. We went to play in the sand and found there was a kite festival with huge colorful kites. People flew all kinds of kites. And some of them were huge! I really liked the fish kite.